Personalized Wellness Plans

Three packages available for 1:1 coaching, all to improve your health and wellness goals.

Nutrition and Lifestyle 3 Month Reset

They say it takes 66 days to create a new habit, so we’re adding a few extra days for safe measure!

  • 1.5 hr initial consult with 1/2 hr weekly follow up for 3 months
  • Personalized nutrition and lifestyle assessment
  • Weekly meal planning, personalized lifestyle and fitness programming to reach your goals.
  • Fitness and meditation protocols, nutrition tips and access to our online portal with customized tools and templates.  

Customized Programming, Coaching and Group Packages

  • If what we have doesn't fit your needs contact us so we can customize a plan for you, your team or a group of likeminded individuals!

Snack Size Reboot

For those who are still a little apprehensive.

  • 1.5 hr initial consult with 1/2 hr follow-up
  • Personalized nutrition, lifestyle and fitness assessment with general fitness and nutrition protocols to support your goals.